Daniel Bromley


We asked a few faculty around campus about their barrier to learning and what they do to improve accessibility.

Our amazing faculty member, Dan, had this to say…

Profile picture of Dan Bromley.
What is a barrier to learning that you have experienced and you wished you’d had better access? ​

Two comments come to mind:

What is something you’ve done in your work (as an instructor, course developer, administrator, etc.) to improve accessibility in your area? ​

I am mindful that our Adult Probation Officer training can be overwhelming and daunting at times. There are numerous minute details that can leave a new recruit feeling lost as their focus is drawn away from the over-arching goals. With this challenge in mind, I continually seek ways to bring the attention back to the macro perspective of the Probation Officer role. I continually look for opportunities to link the content to stories or real-life examples to generate meaning for the question of “why do we need to learn this?”  In doing so, I believe I am making the content/material more accessible for all training participants.

Contact Dan at dbromley@jibc.ca to chat more!