Kavita George

Senior Web Specialist, CTLI

What is a barrier to learning that you have experienced or are aware of that you’d like to see eliminated?

What is something you’ve done in your work (as an instructor, course developer, administrator, etc.) to improve accessibility in your area?

Profile picture of Kavita George.

While my heart, spirit, and soul live young, my vision cannot keep up with my young heart. Age is catching up to me. This is my barrier to learning and I am more vocal about not being able to read smaller font sizes or not being able to read PowerPoint slides from the projector. It sometimes becomes embarrassing; at that moment, I would like to hide behind people or rely solely on my listening skills to consume the content.

Fonts sizes are essential to making content accessible for people with disabilities and for people regardless of their age. It is simple and easily achievable.

This excerpt is taken from Kavita’s full article Empathy to Mindfulness – A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Accessible Documents.

Email Kavita at kgeorge@jibc.ca to chat more.